Nine Swords • A conspiracy of Ravens
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A conspiracy of Ravens

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:27 am
by Ravynswind
Chapter 1

Victoria Ravynswind stared at the closet and sighed. The corner of her lip twisted in dismay,
Later, she thought wistfully, Always later.

She mumbled to herself as she stared at the stack of briefs in front of her. FML
Ah well, there nothing she could do about the closet at the moment, and if the paperwork wasn't done by 5:00 pm, her butt would be on the line. It wasn't easy being the youngest recruiter in her field, but Victoria had risen up in the Templar ranks faster than even her parents could have predicted.

Victoria had been prepped for this life from birth. She was just the latest in a very long line of Templars of the Ravynswind line. while other children had their weekends free to play and explore the English countryside, she had tutors and fencing instruction. She learned about monsters that would send the average child shaking under their sheets at night and expected to face the demons head on and without tears. That was the path of The Templar.

Victoria was a dutiful child, she lived to please her parents, who in turn loved to parade her about. Maybe she liked the limelight a bit too much, but who didn't like to bask in the glowing attention of others?

To be continued....