Nine Swords • Salve Sodalis!
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Salve Sodalis!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 9:17 am
by Kefrem
Now that i have finally been recruited i thought id say hi to everyone out there and tell a little bout myself(not my toon :P)

Lets see where to begin....well i like sci fi...fantasy..superna...well thats TSW i trek star wars and all the other geeky stuff out there. I wont go into details but im more like my character then you think out here in the real world and i dont portray a jedi just because its *cool* :)

On the jedi a member of the Rebel legion...thats the good guy side of the 501st legion costuming charity group. We raise money regularly for local charities(mostly make-a-wish) to help kids in need. I myelf play qui-gon jinn..heres a link to my jedi folder on photobucket if you wanna look :P ... t=4&page=1

As for my character ill post a biography on kefrem in a week or so...gonna take me a while to retransfer it back to my old hard drive it was on burned up a few months back. Ill have to dig out my old ars magica paperwork.

Anyway...i like grouping in a more social player so if you wanna team up with around my skill rank and such feel free to hit me up in game. we can go bash bad guy heads for awhile :)

Cya in game soon
