Nine Swords • Are you TSW? #IAM9S - Page 2
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Re: Are you TSW? #IAM9S

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:20 pm
by Aberlour
I am 9S because of the people. I love TSW, it's one of my favorite games of all time. It's the single game I've spent the most time playing (It still doesn't touch the amount of time I've put into the NBA2K series over the years. But that's stretched out over a bunch of games). But, as much as I love the game, I'd have wandered away by now had it not been for all the awesome people in the cabal.

We've got an amazing community here and I always have a blast talking to people in chat, on the forums, running dungeons, raids and other content with them. Nine Swords is my home in TSW, and the game just wouldn't be the same without it.

Re: Are you TSW? #IAM9S

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:08 pm
by Rick Fortune
It's funny cause Abe's pretty much nailed it. About the only difference is that I have been playing 'MLB The Show' and not NBA2K. :)

Re: Are you TSW? #IAM9S

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 6:19 am
by Antanahe
Home Sweet Niners Home


Home Swords Home

And I plus the feeling that when I log on, it's like walking into the local café/pub/whatever and getting a welcome cheer from the other patrons. It's that feel of belonging.


Re: Are you TSW? #IAM9S

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:46 am
by Blueplain
What it is to be 9S poem

What is it to be 9S?
and why is 9s the best?
If these questions, for you ring true
then answere them, is what I will do

9S is more then name and board
it is so much more to be a sword
for behind the name, if you peer through
you will see within a stronger crew

We are not but one single soul
As we work together as a whole
and any troubles in your stead
we work together, to put them to bed

Above these people oh dear readers
we have hard working helpfull leaders
and thus every need is catered for
by the current leaders and thoese before

we have built upon a strong foundation
and due to this the great causation
that everyone who joins our crew
is helped with everything they do

Our knowledge grows with each passing day
we share it all, come what may
and as we work as a whole
this knowledge benefits every soul

So why is 9s the best
I have already told you but yet
If your unlikely still in doubt
our forum shows what we're about
Close friends have come together here
to share our experience each passing year
to arrange and support or just to share
and all our members are from everywhere

I am proud I am 9s
and so I put my case to rest

Re: Are you TSW? #IAM9S

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:29 pm
by Oxara
Even though I'm still a fresher, I feel the need to add my voice to yours...
To keep it short, I would have stopped playing TSW two months after installing it, hadn’t been for Anta and 9S members. (Quite a big deal, huh?)

When our group of friends told me to play TSW, I was a bit sceptical. All I had seen from this game were zombies and creepy places. Didn't seem appealing to me at first. But I gave it a chance… When they left shortly after, I considered doing so – I liked it but it was quite tough for the unexperienced player I am. Thank Whoever-You-Want, Anta staid (now I understand why!) and convinced me to keep trying. She even convinced me to apply to her cabal. Nine Swords, do you seriously mean it? But I made it and there I am, craving for more zombies to slay and even creepier places to visit!

I’m 9S because without this cabal and its members, I would never have been TSW at all. And I would miss our daily Mumble chats! Thanks Niners!
Antanahe wrote:This episode started completely innocent with the fact that a new member needed a portrait of her toon for the forum.
I'm really proud to have caused one of your best memories with 9S 8-). Don't worry, evidence are safe on my hard drive. For now...

Re: Are you TSW? #IAM9S

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:25 pm
by Antanahe
Oxara wrote:Don't worry, evidence are safe on my hard drive. For now...
Uh oh :shock:

Re: Are you TSW? #IAM9S

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:53 pm
by Chaosetor
Antanahe wrote: This episode started completely innocent with the fact that a new member needed a portrait of her toon for the forum.
I have no recollection of such an incident ever taking place, and to that end I shall plead the fifth on any further comments or questions that arise. Thank you. :roll:

Edit: Now if you all could just prentend to believe me, that would be great! :D

Re: Are you TSW? #IAM9S

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:34 pm
by ArcyCiern

Re: Are you TSW? #IAM9S

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 11:17 am
by Petula
With a bit of a delay, my story about 9S/TSW.
BleuRocket and me have been playing a couple of MMO's and we got kinda stuck with the "same old same old" in our last game. A gamefriend of ours from the guild we both have been leading, told us about TSW and we got her account to give it a shot. Bleu started it since his computer is way better. He got soooo excited after a few minutes already, not even knowing what was still to come. After his purchase I wanted to use the account from our friend but my old computer just didnt like the game one bit, BIG BUMMER! Sad, sad me Bleu made it possible for me to play shortly after. And ever since.....

One thing we both agreed on was that we wanted to get into a Cabal because we wanted to enjoy every single aspect of the game, even PvP which was so hated. After a very short google search I came upon teh swords website and immediatly was sold. The layout, the fact the game is being taken serious yet stays what it is, "a game", the way of communicating and also recruiting made this the place to be! Application in... waiting for the chat. Weig was the one that contacted me and oh boy, I was kinda nervous even. But yay, result was I could join and soonly after also Bleu.

Since I am not in swords that long yet, my really shareable moments are still to come BUT... never have I seen an alliance, guild, cabal, so helpfull, (nooblet)friendly, open, funny and crazy. Even though not always talkative myself, I enjoy the lurking a lot.
If you need help or have a question no matter what about, just ask, always someone that speaks up or pm's offering to help, Anta dragging us through our first Elite, taking me grinding Airport. Flo taking us on the next couple of Elites (we still need SH *cough*), Kiss helping us with the Cubhouse in Kaden are just some examples.

This all makes TSW double more fun and an awesome nice relaxed place to hang out. As a proud member of Swords, I found myself the best ingame home I ever had or could imagine.... Only one thing I can add: "BattleOn" :D 8-)