
  1. Introduction
  2. Achievements


Agent Special assignments are the missions found within the "Special" tab of your Agent Mission Tiers.


The missions have a fairly long cooldown, but it is worth sending an agent out on these each time it is available as it rewards good distillates. On successful completion of these Special Assignment missions, your counter increases within the Achievement Panel. 


Getting all of the achievements for "Agent Network - Missions: Special Assignments" will give you a total of 60 Achievement Points.  



 Operation: Opportunity
 Objective:  Complete 1agent special assignment
  • 5 Achievement Points


 I'd tell you...
 Objective:  Complete 5 agent special assignments 
  • 5 Achievement Points



 ...but then I'd have to kill you
Objective:  Complete 10 agent special assignments
  • 10 Achievement Points


 Objective:  Complete 25 agent special assignments
  • 25 Achievement Points
  • Title: Undercover


 Expert Handler
 Objective:  Complete 50 agent special assignments
  • 25 Achievement Points
  • Title: Expert Handler



Category: Achievements
Hits: 3435