Following the problems of yesterdays update, Funcom decided that as many players were impacted by this issue, that they are granting those affected 20,000 Marks of Favour and turning on No Limits Weekend, which removes the cost of keys from all Lair, Dungeon, and Scenario chests. They are also throwing in one free Agent Booster Pack for good measure.
You can find the Marks of Favour and the Booster Pack in your Delivered Items. You have until Sunday to claim these items. No Limits Weekend ends Monday morning at 9:00 AM EST.
Do not consider any other options - log in!! Loads will be going on in Nine Swords over this weekend for sure!
New content (sort of) at last, in SWL. The agent system is live as of today. As usual, the update is not without it's issues, such as what I like to call the "Nekkid Bald Dude" bug. Apparently if you go to Agartha, a database error is stripping you of your items, your hair and your gender (if female) to turn you into a naked bald dude with no name and no gear. The good news is that zoning out of Agartha, or re-logging seems to fix it.
As for the Agent system, dossier drops still seem to be pretty rare. If you would like to contribute to the knowledge base about where dossier drops can be found and how often they drop, click here to visit the forum topic.
Edit: A patch for the update has been deployed. Stay tuned later for the inevitable hotfix for the patch for the update :-D
Edit #2: Yep, I called it--another server downtime of two hours. The hotfix for the patch for the update has been deployed.
Funcom have set up new community forums. Their goal with the forums is to unify the information by which they communicate with us - across all their games. If you have not already got your new account set up - get over there and do it!!
Our second Sharpening the Blades of 2018 is being held this coming weekend! If you are new to Nine Swords (and we have had quite a few new recruits this last few weeks.. so you had best be reading this!!) then Sharpening the Blades is a great event for you to attend. It is an event based on helping you feel more settled into our cabal - where in a friendly chat with our wonderful Academy team you can ask questions about things you are not sure of in Nine Swords, give us an idea of how you have settled in so far - and of course make suggestions on how you think we could do things even better!
If you are not new to Nine Swords, but would still like to attend - you are also very welcome!
More details about the event can be found here in our forums.
See you there!
Issue 24 of The Sword's Edge has been released today. Thank you to everyone that has contributed to this issue -
You can read it here: The Sword's Edge Issue 24
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