A thank you and a massive congratulations are the orders of the day!
It is wonderful when our cabal mates enjoy each others company, great when that spills into our real lives and we meet up in our real life settings. It is even more fantastic though to receive the news that Floryn and Antanahe have FINALLY decided to move countries to be together! When such amazing news comes along, it can be very hard to be anything but happy!
With the big changes though, also comes the decision from Floryn to step down as a leader of Nine Swords. Please all join me in thanking Floryn for his massive input to our cabal. Floryn has been involved in some pivotal idea development, especially the start of our Sharpening the Blades sessions and of course for lots and lots of RP. It is impossible to write about everything he has done!! I thank you with all my heart, Floryn!
Information collection thread can be found here in our forums so that all our members know what to do, where to find things, where the fun is!
In the light of Aberlour's resignation as Recruitment Leader for the US Timezone, we are now looking for people willing to step up and help us with the recruitment process for time zones other than EU.
Keksimus, who showed interest for recruitment in the last edition of Sharpening the Blades was promoted for this role last week, but we are still needing people to cover US and Australia. The spots are not limited, so anyone who is willing is welcome to apply. Recruiter status does not mean you will have to leave your current division if you signed up for one, just a short training and in-game promotion to recruiter rank.
So, if you want to help us bringing more people in your own Time zone, please contact Helixia or Katelin.
Remember, Nine Swords has a division for every possible activity, so if you are interested in any division in particular and want to help organizing things, don't hesitate to contact that division's leader (visible in the Roster) for membership.
And most important, have fun
Helixia - Recruitment Leader EU TZ
The Nine Swords "Next-Gen" team gained another member. Therefore, with increased time investment needed to mitigate against things ending up the wrong side of the diaper, and crying over spilt milk we have to announce today that Aberlour has stepped down from his position as leader of our Hook Swords division for Nine Swords. I am sure you all agree that spending time on cuddles and bottle time is a good decision!
Aberlour has committed so much energy to the development of Nine Swords, contributing in his main role as leader of our recruitment division - and also as a raid leader. His input will definitely be missed!
Please all join me in thanking Aberlour for his leadership within Nine Swords. Our cabal has benefitted considerably from your input, Abe - and I am very grateful that you are going to continue to be around!!
We are pleased to inform you that on the 21st September 2017 we published an updated version of the Dungeon and Raid Etiquette. You can find it here: Dungeon and Raid Etiquette. The Etiquette organises the rules for raid leaders and participants. It has been published as part of the Zweihänder Division Directives and is the reference document for all future PVE (Player versus the Environment) ingame events.
The document covers the basic principles, which when applied should help all the 9S Members who want to organise a PVE event, in meeting the basic requirements for a well organised dungeon, lair or raid run. Moreover, it imposes a certain amount of responsibilities on the leaders, as well as the participants at the same time. In result, applying this set of rules should eliminate most, if not all, doubts about the organisation of events, as well as remind all of us about small details, such as being punctual.
Furthermore, we encourage you to take part in the discussion about your New York Raid (Manhattan Exclusion Zone) experience. We have an open thread in this topic here in the Guides Section of the Forum (https://www.nine-swords.com/forums/43/10773). Any additional information you can share will help all of us and will be appreciated.
If you haven't been in our forums for a while, you may have also missed a lively discussion that has been going on about how we can better organise our cabal bank. The discussion will be open for just a few more days before we finalise the latest draft that Helixia has put together. If you want to have your say head over to this thread in our open tasks forum: https://www.nine-swords.com/forums/5/10786
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