New York Raid for Friday 12/14 at 9 pm EST

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New York Raid for Friday 12/14 at 9 pm EST

Post by Firearc »

New York Raid for Friday 12/14 at 9 pm EST

If some reason you are on the list and are not able to make it please let Jennet or Myself know as soon possible, so we can find a replacement in time. Ideally we would like to start right at 9pm EST just to give us as much time to work on the riding NY of Tentacles (Sorry Jen it must be done!)

Group 1
Esthyr - Tank
Samcon - Tank
Mooncide - Healer
Blapoo- Healer/ (Tank for adds)
Jennet – Dps (Pod chaser)

Group 2
wahoozerman - Dps
Firearc - Dps
Volen - Dps
Illandir - Dps
Torvus - Dps

I put Jennet in group 1 with so the healers will be able to heal her in the pods.

If you are interested in Participating in a future NY raid please see Volens discussion thread at for more information. We would like to start a regular raid and want to get everyones feed back on it :)
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