Star Anvil Studios’ TSW Tabletop RPG Kickstarter is now live! Powered by the 5E ruleset, this RPG gives you a unique opportunity to explore The Secret World and defend the world from the coming darkness.
Support the project by clicking this URL: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/star-anvil-studios/the-secret-world#
Please all join us in sending thanks to Xaoti for her time as a leader within our cabal, specifically of our Pen (Research) Division. We are all very grateful to have guides at our disposal, and they take a lot of time and energy to create - thank you for all the hard work and time you invested, Xaoti.
Swords, you can share your thanks to Xaoti here: https://www.nine-swords.com/forums/topic/13873
Update: The ingame event has now started! (19-09-2022)
Swords, Get logging in - the Envoys of Avalon event for Autumn Equinox 2022 is incoming, the log in rewards are active from today. Hoping that Fearghas Abernathy makes an appearance over the weekend so we can get going with lots of Occult Defence waves for our achievements!
The daily login rewards are:
Day 1 - 10 Ability Points (AP)
Day 2 - Purified Talisman Distillate
Day 3 - 25 Skill Points
Day 4 - Purified Weapon Distillate
Day 5 - 7,500 Anima Shards
Day 6 - Dense Stabilizing Tachyons
Day 7 - 25 Ability Points
Day 8 - Synergizing Talisman Empowerment Catalyst
Day 9 - 30 Skill Points (SP)
Day 10 - Purifying Glyph Empowerment Catalyst
Day 11 - Agent Dossier: Diviciacus
Day 12 - Signet Fusion Catalyst
Day 13 - Purified Weapon Distillate
Day 14 - Weapon Fusion Catalyst
If you are, then why not use your time to enter one of our competitions? We have 2 competitions currently running :
Have fun, Swords!
Like the idea of getting more involved in events and activities happening in Nine Swords?
Check out the Nine Swords Events Calendar and our Noticeboard forum.
If you are interested in doing something but don't see an event happening for it - ask for help to organise it, or schedule it yourself! All members of our cabal are encouraged to run events if they want to. You can find information about how to schedule events on our website here.
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