As of January 2022 we are making a change to how we run the activity check in Nine Swords:
Nine Swords Activity Check
Nine Swords run an activity check once a year. The check is based on the in-game cabal data of when someone last logged in. If you have not been seen ingame within the last calendar year, we will remove you from the cabal.
In January 2022, after the end of the seasonal events, we will check the Cabal Roster to see who did not log in for the entirety of 2021. This means that anyone that has a last logged in date within our cabal roster of 2020 or earlier will be removed from Nine Swords and their forum access revoked.
Any member of 9S who is removed from the cabal due to an activity check is very welcome to request to join again at a later date.
Over at least 12 different days in December, an event will either be held in game or via our forum. Get involved and take part in the events!
For ingame events, they will be tagged in our calendar with "12DAYS"
Forum events will also have that in the title, and will be posted here in the Noticeboard Forum area.
Tis the season to have as much fun and time together as possible!
Hey Swords, if you did not yet claim your prize from our Anniversary event this year - it is time to do so!
If you didn't claim yet, you have until the 28th November 2021 to do so! https://www.nine-swords.com/forums/18/13314
Any prizes not claimed by the 28th November 2021 will be put back into our Prize collection for the events over December.
Have you been helped by someone in our cabal, or seen something really positive from another member? Do you think they deserve recognition and acknowledgement of how awesome they are?
Well, as of today - you can put their name forward for a 9S Recognition Award. Head over to this post in our forum to find out how!
The latest issue of our cabal newsletter, The Sword's Edge, has been released!
You can get stuck into Issue 57 here: The Sword's Edge Issue 57
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