Hey Swords, if you want to know what Razorgrin likes listening to - you should tune in on Thursday 5th August to Roman Wail! Suri will be playing a mixtape submitted by our very own Razorgrin! 7pm Eastern.
As you can see in the poster, the event usually takes place on Wednesday - but this week it is moved to Thursday as there is a wedding taking place.
If you want to listen while you play, or while you are doing something totally different you can listen via this link: https://www.quantumstateradio.com/
It is the 9th of the month again, and so we are happy to release the latest issue of our Cabal Newsletter The Sword's Edge Issue 55 . We look back this month over the events that have been going on this last few weeks for our 9S 9th Anniversary as well as MEGAversary.
Thank you this month to DigitalWraith and Balam for your contributions to the newsletter! I am very thankful for your support.
and we have released a special edition of our cabal newsletter, The Sword's Edge to mark the occasion.
We hope you enjoy it: The Sword's Edge Issue 54 - 9th Anniversary Special Edition
Congratulations to three new promotions into our leadership team:
We wish the three of you all the very best in your new roles, and look forward to the new energy you will bring to our leadership team.
For the opening show for MEGAversary, we wrote a dedication to Mark (Hollopoint).
Incase you missed it being read out on air, here is our dedication:
The heartache and pain that has ripped through our community since we learned of the passing of Hollopoint has been fierce and consuming - yet the support shared, kind words spoken and amount of people reaching out has been like a comforting blanket, enveloping and protecting.
Our cabal, Nine Swords, is grieving the loss of one of our most active and respected members - however we see that the loss of the community is not less than ours.
Hollopoint may not have set out with the mindset that he was going to Bee the Change - but he was a catalyst for it. Perhaps he woke up one day with the decision in his head not to refuse to do whatever he could do. Or it was his nature.
His journey through life with all the ups, downs and in-betweens made him strive to be a good person. It is clear from the conversations I have had with so many of our community since Monday that he inspired you through his creativity. That he encouraged you to be your best self and get involved. He gave and rarely expected anything in return.
We did give him some things in return. He had some serious fan-girls and fan-boys in the cabal who always commented on his art work. It was a continual stream of incredible work that still never sated our need for more. We praised him, offered feedback and honest critique - he continued giving and gifted us with two incredible Graphic Novels and countless promotional material.
We enjoyed sharing ideas for projects together. Thinking back to those early days when MEGAversary was just an idea - we honestly never considered the amount of World Bosses we were going to end up fighting ... and are still fighting.
It was a joy to team with him, to celebrate his successes as an artist, to just spend time chatting, laughing and landing in the Anima well many times together.
To say we are going to miss him is an understatement. The lack of his presence is already unbearable. If you knew Hollopoint, if you were inspired by him, if you loved him - we share your sorrow, and we hold you tight in our thoughts and hearts.
We are grateful you are here today to celebrate the life of an incredible cabal member, friend and generous passionate person. We need you to all help us carry the baton on, and ensure that what has been started never fades to dust.
We will miss you, Mark. Rest in peace.
With love, Nine Swords.
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